Monday, December 1, 2008

thing 14

I can't imagine aything more ghastly than to have my ramblings available to the world - either for me or for the world.
I can see how this would be an interesting research tool, particularly for social perceptions and popular culture.

Monday, November 10, 2008


I love the shared bookmarking, but it would be too easy to add your own information, if you have any that go to mail logins etc.

very annoying to get 2/3 way through thing, have to close down to advance, then get back in to carry on!

Friday, May 9, 2008

thing 11

Pity it only deals with "books"

thing 9

Pity you have to pay to get the reality

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

RSS feeds #8

Wow. Who needs a clippings agency, vertical file, or reference librarian?

#6 technology

Technology is a wonderful servant but a very timewasting master. It is meant to make things easier, but like anything else, its use is dependent upon human and electronic machines, both fallible. Being able to do things instantly worldwide is fantastic but can be fatal - viz accidental emails, and I'm sure blogs and photosharing can be just as disastrous

Cat Conspiracy on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Cat Conspiracy on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
I never realised how many cute cats photos there are (or anything else) - I can see how this site can be a complete time waster. Do we have to get the cat's consent to publish their pics? Will a pawprint do?


thing#1 I've always wondered how Gutenberg felt
thing#2 and whoever invented the telegram